Hours & Rates
<< OUR HOURS: Monday through Friday 10:00AM – 6:00PM >>
Your Initial Evaluation consists of 2 separate visits:
1st Appointment: Initial Consultation: $495
(includes Metabolic Urinalysis, HRV, and Report of Findings – 2nd visit)
This first appointment is designed to introduce you to Permen Naturopathic. It will consist of health history paperwork, introduction to how we can help you and a discussion with Larry about your specific healthcare goals, desires and needs.
Please expect this appointment to be 60-90 min.
**We request that you bring with you to this first appointment any and all medications, supplements (incl. shakes) and vitamins you are currently taking so that Larry can consider these in your healthcare regimen.
2nd Appointment: Report Of Findings
(Nutritional and Healthcare Protocol) *Supplement cost not included
This appointment is your Report of Findings (ROF). It is at this time that you will receive a nutritional and healthcare protocol designed exclusively for you. Through Integrated Assessment Analysis, Larry has created for you recommendations for your “roadmap” to better health and wellness. He will explain findings in your overall state of health and how together, you will work toward a healthier you!
Please expect this appointment to be 60-90 min.
Follow-up Appointments:
In Office: $49/Telehealth $49
Family appts. $65
(Ask about our Pre-Pay Packages to SAVE $$)
Appointments to be 15-30 min.